Australia's Queen of Travel Talks Swimwear + Getaway Plans
We spoke to Australia's Queen of Travel Catriona Rowntree about all things travel, including must-have plane essentials, go-to swimwear, embodying the holiday lifestyle at home and her upcoming travel plans with Getaway!
2020 is well in swing and you have already travelled to so many amazing places! Where has been your favourite 2020 location to shoot so far?
I feel so proud of what’s been created by the team at Peninsula Hot Springs on the Mornington Peninsula. 20 years ago it was pretty much a rural paddock, underneath which lay healing thermal waters. Cut to today and it’s the most wonderful experience for everyone from families, to Hens days, there’s an awesome restaurant with coffee and wine! Yeehaw to that. They’ve thought of everything and I can’t wait to return.

Your most recent book ‘The Best of World Cruising’ shares all of your favourite trips by water. What are your must-have travel essentials when water-bound?
On a flight I take cleansing wipes, a spritzer for the face, Lanolips, a nail file and I love my Beauty Flash. The moment I land, I walk, get as much Vitamin D as I can and I wear white...always reflects nicely on the skin. Oh I also start my Immunity vitamins a good week or so before I leave to prevent any colds. I’m armour plated!

What are your top tips when choosing swimwear?
It must be respectable, practical, be the best quality I can find and make me feel confident. If I’m wearing a cozzie on the telly, I don’t want to make any woman feel uncomfortable, I don’t want to offend anyone around me, it has to be elegant and not a distraction to the information I’m delivering...hey, I’m the star around here.
Our Asymmetrical One Piece has recently been a regular feature across your Instagram whilst shooting. Are there particular features you love about this look or style?
Recently I wore the Asymmetrical cozzie in snakeskin to the Hot Springs where they’d specifically asked for ‘nothing strapless’ so I didn’t look naked on the TV and I knew I wanted something cool but as a curvy girl I didn’t want to bust out either. Filming on a luxury yacht last year, I had to choose the black classic, no brainer for me. So chic, just love it.
As a travel expert, you must have mastered the art of vacation mentality even after wrapping a shoot. How do you embody the holiday lifestyle once you return home?
If I look at my life today, I’ve (unintentionally) mastered the art of work-life balance. I love my job (but always worry I should be doing more), but I followed my heart, married a hot farmer and live on a gorgeous sheep and grain property. I garden, I cook, I obsessively read, I annoy my children. Yet I still work productively. But I’ve met a lot of people at the top of their professional tree, and they’re stressed messes, or unhealthy. It’s tough, you have to try to find a happy medium and that requires compromise and sacrifice. Ultimately, my health is my priority. Having watched my Dad pass away, painfully, to cancer, I’m grateful for every day and looking after myself. We’re only here once.

Who do you follow on Instagram for regular travel inspiration (besides scrolling through your own feed!)?
I love all the lifestyle, personal blogs. I’m repelled when I feel someone is just trying to sell me something. But I love a peek inside someone’s home, their travels, certainly their garden. I love the whole package, that isn’t forced.

Can you give us any hints of upcoming Getaway trips?!
I am so excited to be planning my first ever trip to Antarctica. I got a small taste with Chilean Patagonia, now I want the ultimate and yes I am determined to swim!